Content Harry Potter


battlechild posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 2:56pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

Yet another survivor of the fanfiction purges.

Those idiots have succeeded in purging the best fiction on their site over the last 10 months.

I am so glad you found a home here!

When I started to read this story this morning I realized that I had read it before on and it had disappeared incomplete.

So glad that I found it here!

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Tim Green

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 10:03pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

Another good chapter.


KenF posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 9:34pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

Animagii at play is cool. So are the attack-dummies, although it sounds like they need a bit of refinement.

Musings of Apathy replied:

Yeah, they need a bit of refinement in my head too.   But I can blame that one a quick invention by a couple of teenagers (Harry and Hermione).

Thanks for reviewing.   I enjoy reading one person's reviews on each chapter.

If you would register you could receive e-mail notices of this story and any other author's on for new chapters.   Just a thought.

Mike (MoA)

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd May 2006 8:45am for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

Your variations on the new and improved Room of Requirement were great.

But I must continue in my praise of your writing on the Animagus Transformation. Each time you amaze me more and more. Did you study these animals to get to where you could describe this so well, or did you just conceptualize this out of your imagination?

Either way - Brilliant!

Musings of Apathy replied:

Isn't Google great?   I googled the kinds of animals that I wanted, and what I found altered my mind's perception of what I wanted to describe.   I had thought of falcons being different coloring, but found that not to be.   What I described was what I found.   I was interested to learn that, while Lions have fixed claws, panthers have retracting claws similar to house cats.

I would recommend research to anyone describing anything in fanfiction.   A better description of a phoenix can be made if a person studies real birds on the net to find how they are actually put together.   For example, I found that Panthers do not have slit 'cat eyes'.   Their pupils are round.   However, most often you will find yellow eyes on black cats, so Harry's green eyes are a telltale, just as McGonagall's square glasses are.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

(Just noticed that I made Harry's panther eyes slit.   I changed it for anatomical correctness.)

ThunderGod posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 6:29pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

umm..I read this on FF net..and there was another chpater posted..where {Spoiler deleted by Admin} won..afterall {spoiler deleted by Admin} was bad..evil even:}

Glad to see more of it..


Musings of Apathy replied:

Sorry, I had to take the spoilers out of your review, because yes, the results of the pranking contest are yet to come.   I don't want to spoil anything for the others.   Make sure to read that chapter, because it has been heavily rewritten.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 3:24pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

I like this prank. It is really good. What a great way to prank a wizard. Make his magic do only one thing. A nice thing but too repetitive if it can't be stopped. One question though -- what would have happened if Harry had abeen attacked by someone? Was thee a failsafe mechanism in place so Harry could defend himself? Just a thought! Thanks for writing. pms

Musings of Apathy replied:

I bring this up later, but yeah.   Fred was watching over him.   And besides, would you want to tussle with a fully grown black panther in the woods?

Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 21st May 2006 1:25am for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

Great chapter! Perfect after-dinner snack... I really like the way Harry and Ginny interact, their level of mutual comfort is a wonderful read. Hermione's practice dummies were a neat touch, and I guess Harry takes Tonks' suggestions to heart and improves them before the next meeting. But - Harry ought to give Ginny a bouquet of roses soon, right? I'd be a bit miffed if something like that happened to my hubby and he didn't even give me one of those roses he kept on conjuring... Anyway, Harry's "standard" threat was a sweet touch - Remus really is the closest thing to a family Harry has (omitting the Dursleys, they don't count).

Wonderful read, as always. Thanks for sharing!

circe1 posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 4:55pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

like the story.

Manatheron posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 2:56pm for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

You know, I never even realized that you were (Are?) a FF.N writer, this is the only place I have thought to look for you works, much to my shame.

You are an exceptionally gifted writer, Please keep up the excellent work!

Musings of Apathy replied:

That is definately a was.   They deleted my story for exceeding the stated rating of 'M' and so I accepted that and moved on.   This group of authors was kind enough to invite me to join, and so I did.   Shortly, I will be removing my stories from any other sites that I can remember posting to.   It is too much of a hassle to post new chapters to several different sites, and then half the sites out there want to beta and correct stories posted there, and I am liking hte greater control that is offered here.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Mike (MoA)

HermioneGreen posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 6:12am for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

A most awesome chapter . . . are you still taking votes, or have you already decided which prank was the best? I wait on the edge of my seat in eager anticipation for the next chapter.


Musings of Apathy replied:

No, the votes and the writing of that chapter was done more than half a year ago.   If you wish, you can tell me before I release the chapter and see if your guess is correct.   In truth, every prank received at least a few votes, but I had a clear winner.

Thank you for your interest in my story.

Mike (MoA)

Zarz posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 3:16am for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

This is really great! I can't wait for the next chapter! My one question is, when did the Room of Requirement get broken? I can't remember that happening, not when, why, or how. Please, keep up the good work, I love your story!

Musings of Apathy replied:

The room or Requirement got broken when Bill locked Ginny in it for Harry's stint as a Male Veela.   She needed to be out of the way, and she was until she blew the door up with a rocket propelled grenade.   Voila, no door and one broken room of Requirement.   Their 'Punishment' was to fix it.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Mike (MoA)

freakyfinger posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 3:13am for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

That anmagus scene makes me really want to be able to transform to something . . . a wolf or a raptor pehaps . . .

AK posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 2:11am for Chapter 37: Frolicking Animagi and Dummies

Ron laughs at his best friend and said with the biggest smile he has to offer,
--> tenses !!!
--> does this exist?
Interesting chapter, though I am still waiting for the plot to start and kick in.

Musings of Apathy replied: my english might be tinged with a bit much Californian.   Any word can be made real here.

Thank you for sharing you views of my story with me.

Mike (MoA)