Harry Potter and the Cracked Reservoir
Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
By Musings of Apathy
battlechild posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 4:10pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
I am impressed, The story continues to be one of the finest stories I have read in a long long time. Thanks
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 7:41am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 29th July 2006 4:53pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
good chapter update soon
Era posted a comment on Friday 28th July 2006 5:53am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
I'm really enjoying this story. It's nice to see it's possible to really change events without going overboard with power and 'good things' when giving it all a lighter tone.
I'm wondering what happened to Harry's talk about Riddle at the dinner after the Halloween Ball though. Would have expected to see some kind of reaction from the other students, wether he told them or decided not to.
Thanks for writing.
Musings of Apathy replied:
I keep forgetting about the talk. Harry, however, forgot about the talk to inform the students about Riddle with the events of Halloween night. Someone may remind him yet.
Mike (MoA)
Crys posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 10:06am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Ah, good. You gave Harry all the miscellaneous "stuff" of a old family, but you DIDN'T give him any way-cool items, nor did you make him a Founder heir (or scion, as it were ;). I liked how you subtly poked fun at those stories that DO have some wunder-stuff in the Potter ancestral vault.
Are you going to make multi-animagus a unique trait? How will McG react when she finds out he's ready for a second (and third) form?
Love the ongoing prank. Don't want to point this out if it's already been said, but the dodo is the same as the magical diricawl. Which ISN'T extinct, per the Lexicon.
I enjoyed Bill and Hermione trying to corner Harry. Enjoyed Harry's temporarily successful efforts to divert them, too.
Musings of Apathy replied:
Lord forbid I make him a Scion. That would just be cliche, besides, I hear that someone else is doing a story about that, something like 'Scion of Slytherin' or the sorts. {Seriously, though, I love your story.}
As far as the vault goes, I find myself drifting away from suspension of disbelief when an author makes up TOO much fun stuff. If some authors were to be believed, a person could buy one set of robes and never have to change them with all of the auto-resizing, auto-repairing, color-changing, style-changing, self-cleaning, hip-slimming charms that are available at Madame Malkins if you just know to ask and don't mind spending 400 galeons for your knickers.
Multi-animagus will go mostly unexplained as far as why there are not more mentioned, or even if there are more. I will go into registration later, and what that entails, once I make it up. How will Micky-G react? I don't know, guess that we will just have to read it later.
Okay, the Diriclaw...why can't all readers be as ignorant as I am? I promise not to mention anything extinct again before looking at lexicon. Maybe Harry can be excused for not reading Fantastic Beasts and retaining every detail, but it is inexcusable for Hermione. Perhaps she was distracted by trying to weasle the runic information from Harry. Yeah, that sounds good. She may have a 'How could I have been so stupid?' moment. A bit of light reading, reviewing every magical animal in the world in fantastic beasts while she is eating her poridge or something.
Thank you for reviewing.
Sarakiel posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 10:17pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
I've been following your great story for a long time now...I've seen it bounce around from site to site. And I kept on googling till i found it again. It's an intensely rewarding story and your ideas are very original and well thought out. As a fanfic writer myself (notice writer, not good enough to be author) I have to admire what you've done so far. :) Keep up the great work and I look forward to (i.e. check back every day) for new updates to this amazing story.
hpf2114 posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 8:28pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Great story. I read this on siye and found you here when you quit there. I hope that you keep going, this is to good to stop. Good luck.
oldman posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 7:36am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Glad I've found your new site! Please keep it coming and I wonder if you are going to let Ginny find some extra/super magic to compliment harry's
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Tuesday 18th July 2006 5:29am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Loved the idea of the prank Harry pulled on the Weasley brothers. I can't wait to see what happens when they get back to school and what Malfoy will try and pull. I almost have faith for Crabbe and Goyle maybe wising up to the fact that Malfoy is just using them and they would be better off with Harry, any hopes of that occuring?
Harry and Ginny are so sweet together and you can tell that they really love each other. You've done a great job building up their relationship. I also like the relationship between Albus and Harry, though it seems that they still might need to mend some fences. Will there be more of Professor Snape in the story? I've liked the small bits of him that we've seen so far.
Omeganian posted a comment on Sunday 16th July 2006 3:03am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Tell me, was the mistake about the Dodo deliberate, or is it just that you didn't read "Fantastic beasts and where to find them" entry "Diricawl"
Musings of Apathy replied:
I didn't read it. I wanted to come up with an extinct bird and that is what came to mind. If nothing else, I can say that it slipped their mind or they didn't know. It's not a major point.
Thank you for reviewing.
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Sunday 16th July 2006 2:20am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
A most awesome chapter! which of the brothers will figure out the prank first? Will it be Bill? I look forward to more.
Keep up the great work
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2006 6:48pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Very good! I really liked the dig at other authors pre-occupation with making harry the heir of every important magical person ever!
Nice work!
Keep it up and keep updating!!
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2006 1:08am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Great chapter, a nice little rest from battles and they get to enjoy christmas. I really am enjoying your story and I am glad that we are getting into all of the new parts of the stroy. UPDATE soon. Keep up the great writing.
Musings of Apathy replied:
Thank you. Right now is the struggle to write the chapters leading from here to the Gryffindor/Slytherin Quidditch match, which was one of the first chapters to be written, and has been rewritten a couple of times since then.
lily 101 posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 9:07pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
That was a wonderful chapter! I hope you have fun writing the next one!
write and keep your imagination alive!
Splunge posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 8:40pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Actually, the dodo isn't extinct. In Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, Jo explains that what the muggles refer to as the dodo is actually a magical creature called the diricawl, which is alive and well to this day. The muggles are unaware of the diricawls ability to vanish and appear elsewhere at will (similar to phoenixes, but without the flames), and have thus concluded that they hunted the dodo into extinction. The magical community have encouraged this, as it protects the species, and teaches the muggles a valuable lesson about the indiscriminate killing of other species.
Musings of Apathy replied:
And the gold star goes to Splunge. Good job with paying attention to your reference materials. I hadn't seen that one.
Pleather Boots posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 7:31pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Great chapter. One thing I noticed was "only are you a Potter ancestor" wouldn't that be descendant?
Musings of Apathy replied:
That was intended to say that the potter family tree ends with him, no others. Sort of depressing to know for a fact that you have no realatives, distant or otherwise on your father's side.
Mike (MoA)
Brad posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 4:25pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
i loved the new chapter. it was cool to have harry find that he isnt a famous heir! keep up the awesome writing!
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 3:53pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
Bill the seal (intentional pun on all the work he’d just done as a seal-breaker?) was so sweet sounding. I take it that the descendant line was a little jab at other writers who have done similarly strange things to Harry’s genealogy. I still love the prank. Great chapter. More please.
Rictor posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 1:59pm for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips
I am curious about your wording... You said 'He was unable to find anything surprising; he didn't find that he was a descendant of all four founders or a direct descendant of the illegitimate love child of Merlin and Morganna'. Does that mean he was a descendant of all four founders and/or a direct descendant of the illegitimate love child of Merlin and Morganna and he just didn't find out, or the he wasn't but he looked just for the sake of curiousity?...On another note, love the story, hope you update more frequently.
Musings of Apathy replied:
It just means that he did not find himself to be any of those things. He was not a descendant of all for founders. He was not a direct descendant of the illegitimate love child of Merlin and Morganna.
It was just a small dig at other stories where he is the direct descendant of every major magic caster through history.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Mike (MoA)
Miss_sigma posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 2:26am for Chapter 43: Runes and Trips