Family Inseparable
Chapter 5
By Musings of Apathy
Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 12:00pm for Chapter 5
This is a really sweet story! I'm glad you've kept it up post-NaNo. More soon?
IceBlades posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 11:43am for Chapter 5
As always...SO CUTE!
Can't wait to see what happens at lunch.
happy writing!
darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 11:31am for Chapter 5
*falls around laughing*
I loved Percy telling them abut the visit from the 'elf'...
Brad11 posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 8:43am for Chapter 5
darn i was hoping for more i cant wait to see what grannie prewitt says about harry! keep up the awesome writing!
Kail Ceannai posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 8:25am for Chapter 5
An excellent chapter, thank you!
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 5:47am for Chapter 5
Good chapter, thanks for sharing this with us.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:05am for Chapter 5
Love the way Luna wants so many things and her father is really quite sensible about them. Giggled at Harry the High Elf conjured up by Percy's vivid imagination. Great chapter. More please. Grandma Prewett sounds very sensible.
Treck posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 2:13am for Chapter 5
Good chapter but I felt that the bath scene could have used some expanding. The part about the shampoo was a little flat.
Question: whats happening with the wards at Casa Durskaban? Did they fall when Harry and Ginny finished the hand fasting or were they transfered to the Weasleys?
I look forward to more.
Musings of Apathy replied:
I assume that you mean the wards on Privet drive.
I haven't shown that yet, but the wards are gone, if they were ever any good due to his treatment there. Dumbledore's equipment doesn't monitor the blood wards, they monitor Harry's condition, and he is happy and safe, so the instruments are cool.
Mike (MoA)
kainboa posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 1:46am for Chapter 5
great chapter, can't wait to see the next one
keep up the great work :)
Sheepstamper posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 12:24am for Chapter 5
I think this is start to get going. Fanstastic to see Harry and Ginny getting on so well....
amysds posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:55pm for Chapter 5
That's interesting for the granma to know. I forget, does ginny know harry is actually harry potter?
curalium lacrimo posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:49pm for Chapter 5
Wonderful, i love this story and can't wait for another chapter.
ichtys posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:44pm for Chapter 5
Nice chapter.
I hope they will tell Molly and Arthur soon, but of cause that will take some of the tension away. I like hsow Harry and Ginny interact, and hope they will be able tokeep building their relationship. Keep up the good work.
I look forward to read more.
Regards Ichtys
intromit posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:08pm for Chapter 5
Well done! I particularly enjoyed the Percy scene. Grandma Prewett sounds like she's going to be a hoot.
Koppe posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:50pm for Chapter 5
Great story so far, please update *soon*.
Not many newly-weds spend their wedding-"nights" in the bathtub... and certainly not (just) having a water-fight... ;-)
So the twins *may* be on to Ginny because of her tatoo and attitude? Well, that could get interesting...
I'm very much looking forward to Grandma's visit, and Harry meeting her for lunch to see if he's "suitable"... hope he makes a good impression, so maybe Grandma goes to bat for them once Molly finds out - can't imagine she'll appriciate her daugher sleeping (and taking baths) with a boy... even if they're *just* sleeping and only children.
Loved Percy seeing an "elf" - wonder if anybody will suspect the connection when Ginny's *extra* package (wonder how she'll explain it, btw) arrives... and wonder if Percy will piece it together when he eventually is introduced to Harry and sees his eyes.
I'm wondering what will happen to the rings (when they'll start wearing them), when they'll "officially" take hold of the House-of-Potter - and if the Burrow is on Potter land. BTW, when will the Weasleys discover the extra money?
Last but certainly not least; when will Harry be discovered... and they will have to explain about getting married at such a tender age?
PS: I hope you'll find some way to "save" Luna's mother... that Harry's presense will somehow avoid her accident - or save her life.
Keep up the *great* work, and update *real* soon.
ba_ceba posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:20pm for Chapter 5
love it, love it, love it !!!!
I Hope that Harry didn ´t catch the dragon pox..
Please update soon.
knightsbridge posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:08pm for Chapter 5
I know I've read part of this before, and somehow got sidetracked. It's a great story...especially getting Harry out of the Dursleys. I have the feeling we havent seen the last of them though.
I look forward to reading more.
Amamama posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 8:44pm for Chapter 5
Harry the High Elf? Hmm, why not. *grins* And tomorrow H&G will meet up with Grandma Prewett and go to lunch - now that's going to ab an interesting event. I look forward to finding out what happens. Both in this, and in other stories of yours.
Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed it.
CootiePatootie posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 8:29pm for Chapter 5
Yahoooo! FI update! Yahooooo!
Okay, now that I'm off that high. Love this chapter - I thought for sure they were busted when F & G found them by the tree.
The "high elf" bit was really cute too. Poor Percy. Can't wait to see if anyone puts it together that the "elf" is Ginny's husband! :-)
Can't wait to read Grandmum Prewett's interaction with Harry - that promises to be great!!
Please, please, please give us more soon. I love this very very cute story.
CoyoteScion posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 1:59pm for Chapter 5